ValueMap.Values operator


v9.0 (2011)


ICE シェーダ


この ValueMap にVariant値の SafeArrayとして定義されているすべての値のリストを戻します。

JScript の例

        This example demonstrates how to access and work with the list of attributes
        (stored in a ValueMap object) in JScript. When using JScript, you have to
        be careful to convert the safearrays returned by the Names and Values properties
        to JScript native arrays before you can work with them.
NewScene("", false);
// Get the first ShaderDef in the system
var oShaderDef = Application.ShaderDefinitions(0);
// Get its attributes 
var oAttribs = oShaderDef.Attributes;
// Convert the list of values to a native JScript array
var vbaAttribValues = new VBArray(oAttribs.Values);
var aAttribValues = vbaAttribValues.toArray();
// Print number of elements in this value map and then the list of values
Application.LogMessage("Found " + aAttribValues.length + " attribute(s) on " + oShaderDef.ProgID);
for (var i=0; i<aAttribValues.length; i++) {
        var vVal = aAttribValues[i];
        Application.LogMessage("Attribute["+i+"] has value: "+vVal);
// Expected output:
// INFO : Found 1 attribute(s) on mentalray.misss_physical_phen.1.0
// INFO : Attribute[0] has value: 0

